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Secret Politics of Extinct Political Topics

Like  the  way dinosaurs  got  extinct  and  today  World  is  in such  situation  that  none  of  the  countries  has a living dinosaur in the form of sample . The same situation is with Topics in politics.Politics which has started from  Road , Electricity , Water , Work , Construction , Security etc.  topics is now standing empty handed . There is political battle ground; there are politicians but no topics. The only thing present is AIM- that also of getting a seat. Those who know that seats are not allotted but snatched are engaged in planning. All the parties have assembled their swings in air and are hoping that a swinging branch would come and will put its end in the swing. All the politicians are standing with their Christmas socks, who know whose sock will be filled by the election.
             Today’s era is of doing secret politics of extinct political topics. Now with time old topics have vanished .Now who wants to dig out old graves. Who wants to waste his energy in searching old forgotten topics or making new topics work? When our work is completed without topics then why should we get ourselves into the swamp of topics? Talking about topics is like tying bell to a cat’s neck. If cats are affectionate to bells then they should come on their own and get bells tied in their necks.
                                                   As a matter of fact there is a big reason behind the extinction of topics. It is better not to touch the fucked up topics than fighting elections on the basis of political topics and getting lost in the maze of political topics. These are extremely risky. At once they make you climb the sky and then they remove the ladder. Now it’s up to you whether you hang on to the skies above or jump down and get your bones crushed to death.
                                                                                                     Some years back a so called party named First Front came into existence with the topic of removing poverty. Before it could remove poverty – poor removed it. The result is while removing poverty it itself became poor.  To remove its poverty the party even wailed in front of the beggars and for their support for its square meal.
In providing them with meals our world famous crammed beggars lost their carriers. To remain alive while doing left-right the Left also.
                                                                                                  During previous years a cider base party took up the topic of low castes but after some days it came out that if topic is low castes then till how long it will give its support. On seeing extreme pressure on its head low castes came out of general wards, got admitted into private wards and after getting some air conditioned air took discharge and got extinct. Now the load is on social engineering. But on condition that it too doesn’t become a topic.
                                                                         Most intelligent are those who don’t take open matters. If we see overall all the topics are now fucked up. Now all have a common and minimum topic i.e. pull others leg hang on his shoulder and then leave him behind and get ahead. Land if during all this process you come in contact with a topic...Be alert, topics that come in between the paths are too dangerous. Therefore no topic is required. Getting seats is sufficient in the name sake of a topic. Now remains  condolences and promises , they are  carried only till elections.And if they ever emerged out of existence no one can do anything. We never had a TOPIC!

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